United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.

Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear

Tied By: Dick Pearce

Hook: Nymph, 1x - 3x long, size 12-16 
Thread: Brown or gray
Bead: Optional
Weight: Size 20 non-lead wire and tungsten bead (optional)
Tail: Wood duck or Partridge (rivers), Hare's mask fur with guard hairs (still water)
Rib: Fine-medium oval gold tinsel, wiped with head cement
Abdomen and thorax: Hare's ear and mask fur with guard hairs or dark Hare's Ear Krystal dubbing 
Legs: Fur picked out of the thorax
Wingcase: Turkey or other dark wing section; for flashback use Pearl Bill's Body Braid
