Tied by: Mike Maddalena
Hook: Tiemco 200, size 10 or 12
Tail: Marabou, Color golden brown
Body: Marabou, golden brown
Thorax: Dubbing, dark olive
Wing case: Peacock Herl
Legs: Lemon wood duck
I came to develop this nymph pattern quite some time ago, when I was early into fly tying. I puchased Randall Kaufman’s Fly Tyers Nymph Manual, which I particularly enjoyed tying his Marabou Mayfly Nymph pattern. I still use his basic construction, but add a few different materials. It has been very effective in ponds and lakes or rivers and streams, using a dead drift or with a real slow retrieve. The marabou’s natural wavy movement with the least resistance from the water, makes it irresistible.