United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.

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Marla Blair

At the April 3rd meeting Marla Blair will be giving the same powerpoint presentation she was scheduled to give in March--which had to be cancelled due to the winter storm in her area: "The Hatch and Body Language of Trout for Choosing the Right Fly." 

Raffle tickets will be on sale for an all-day guided fly fishing trip with her for 2 people, donated by Marla. Raffle tickets will be available for the 2 fly fish rods donated by Temple Fork and Salt Water Edge. The raffle will be held in May.

Addieville Camp will be held on April 22, 2013  9AM.   There will be fly tying and fly fishing instructions for all junior members or any youngsters interested in fly fishing.

Space is limited to 24 students  please sign up early.
April 3rd, 2013 Newsletter

The small print says, "It's not just for guys any more," from local stories in the Union News.

Sign up forJuniors Day at Addievillle