United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.

Hex Emerger, Dun, and Spinner

Created By: Ed Lombardo
Tied by Dick Pearce

Hex Emerger
​Hook: 10 1x long dry
Thread: 6/0 yellow
Weight: Lead or lead substitute in thorax area 
Tail: White calf tail or marabou (sparse) 
Body: Yellow rabbit fur
Ribbing: Brown silk or thread
Wing: White calf tail, spent style (sparse)
Collar: Partridge covert

Fish by letting the fly sink to the bottom and then lifting it to the surface, or casting slightly down stream and letting the fly swing.


Hex Dun (Wulff style)

Hook: 10 1x long dry
Thread: 6/0 yellow
Tail: White calf tail (sparse)
Wings: White calf tail, divided (sparse)
Hackle: Furnace brown in front and back of wing, 4 turns back and 2 turns in front
Body: Yellow or orange, rabbit fur

Hex Spinner

Hook: 10 1x long dry
Thread: 6/0 yellow
Tail: White calf tail (sparse)
Wings: White calf tail (sparse) or Bills Body Braid, tied spent
Body: Yellow rabbit fur